Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Small Appliance BIG Protection

Worried about security threats to your computer network, but don't have the budget for enterprise-priced solutions or the staff to maintain them? Then we need to talk ASAP. SNAP VPN is a cost effective appliance which includes a firewall, anti-virus scanning using Trend Micro's scan engine, intrusion detection and prevention capabilities, content filtering, and remote and site-to-site VPN using SSL.

A Perfect Fit for Small to Medium Businesses
After the initial investment in the appliance the "total cost of ownership" is just a fractional yearly service fee which covers anti-virus and signature updates, content filtering updates, software and/or firmware updates, and support.

It costs nothing to take a look at a "single appliance" for proactive security and network managment solution. What will it cost you in lost busine$, if your computer network goes down due to a virus attack or security hack?"

Imagine a single device for:
  • Antivirus / Anti-spam Filtering
  • Firewall Protection
  • Intrusion Detection & Prevention
  • Content Filtering
  • VPN (Site-to-Site & Remote Access)
  • Network Management
  • Device Monitoring
  • Network Reporting
  • Auto VPN Tunnel Provisioning
  • Auto Updates

We are affiliated with , a SNAP VPN certified reseller.

A FREE consultation is just a phone call or email away.