Monday, May 05, 2008

Doing More with Less?

Staff are being asked to do more with less resources. Despite several variables that may be impacting your business, the work still needs to be done. So companies are still looking to hire qualified staff. This creates a dilemma, because many more people are currently in the job market. The big question is how do we minimize the time it takes to sift through all the clutter of resumes for accomplishing the simple task of identifying appropriate resources, just for an interview?

Consider engaging a company that actually teaches job candidates how to properly market their skills, at no cost to you. Imagine job seekers that present their resume to you with a 70% or better value proposition, which saves you time. How about not having to read a resume to determine whether a person is what your company requires. Wouldn't it finally be nice to read a succinctly written cover letter which quickly makes your job easy in identifying a serious candidate or 2. Now you contact the candidate for an interview and then read their resume for the finer details of their skills.

This may sound like a dream, but NetTECH Systems actually provides this quality service, in association with Rod Colon & Associates, LLC. Our experienced business career coaches combine a savvy business background with solid human resources and recruiting expereince. We only work with career professionals willing to participate in our job search 2.0 continuing education program. This exponentially raises the bar to ensure companies receive added value services, while job candidates spend much less time exploring opportunities. This is win-win-win at its finest.

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